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You are viewing Cheat Codes for The Sims : Unleashed

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Game Name : The Sims : Unleashed
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-01-03 04:27:11
Views : 28884

Breeding animals:
Unlike Sim babies, you cannot delete the parents and children. Allow the computer run for three Sim days and the kitten/puppy will grow up.

Cheat mode:
Press [Ctrl] + [Shif + C during game play to display a prompt in the upper left corner of the screen. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enter [Exclamation poin at the prompt to repeat the last cheat entered. Enter a Semi-colon between codes to enter multiple codes at the same time

Result - Code
1000 Simoleons - rosebud
Add new family history stat to the current family - hist_add
Appends the route destination list to AllRoutes.txt every time a route is found - write_destlist
Architecture tools automatically set the level as needed - auto_level
Automatically import and load indicated FAM file - import
Automatically load indicated house, no questions asked - house
Check and fix required lot objects - prepare_lot
Completely flush app to VM file when running Windows NT - flush
Crash game - crash
Create moat or streams - water_tool
Create shrunk_text_#.bmp files - shrink_text
Create-a-character mode - edit_char
Display personality and interests interests
Draw all animation frames disabled - draw_all_frames off
Draw all animation frames enabled - draw_all_frames on
Draw colored dots at each person's origin - draw_origins
Dump entire memory to core_dump_[date:time].txt - core_dump
Dump selected person's most recent list of scored interactions to a file - dump_happy
Dump selected person's motive contribution curve to a file - dump_mc
Enable debug flag to show outcome choice dialogs for social interactions - debug_social
End sim logging - sim_log end
Execute "file.cht" file as a list of cheats - cht
Floorable grid disabled - draw_floorable off
Floorable grid enabled - draw_floorable on
Force an assert for testing - assert
Log animations in the event log window - log_animations
Map editor disabled - map_edit off
Map editor enabled - map_edit on
Move any object - move_objects on
No tutorial object generation when tutorial house is loaded - tutorial off
Prevent web browser crashes - browser_failsafe
Preview animations disabled - preview_anims off
Preview animations enabled - preview_anims on
Programmer stats - tile_info
Quit game - quit
Read in behavior tuning constants from Tuning.txt - #import
Rebuilds entire control panel/UCP from scratch - rebuild_cp
Refresh the BMP_ resources for all people whose IFF files are writable - refresh_faces
Rematch dependent textures and regenerate bitmaps for all user characters - refresh_textures
Restore tutorial - restore_tut
Rotate camera - rotation <0-3>
Routing debug balloons disabled - route_balloons off
Routing debug balloons enabled - route_balloons on
Run series of random operations on unhoused families - fam_test
Save currently loaded house - save
Save family history file - history
Say "plugh" - plugh
Say "porntipsguzzardo" - porntipsguzzardo
Say "xyzzy" - xyzzy
Selected person's path displayed - draw_routes on
Selected person's path hidden - draw_routes off
Set event logging mask - log_mask
Set free thinking level - autonomy <1-100>
Set game speed - sim_speed <-1000-1000>
Set grass change value - edit_grass :
Set grass growth - grow_grass <0-150>
Set lot size - lot_size
Set maximum milliseconds to allow simulator - sim_limit
Set time of day (unpatched game version) - set_hour <1-24>
Set z offset for thought bubbles - bubble_tweak
Sets the neighborhood directory to the path -
Sets up the borders of the lot with non-editable flag. Requires rotation - lot_border
Sets whether menu items appear for in use objects - allow_inuse
Show memory view window in debug builds of the game - memview
Start sim logging - sim_log begin
Swap the two house files and updates families - swap_houses
Ticks disabled - sweep off
Ticks enabled - sweep on
Tile information displayed - tile_info on
Tile information hidden - tile_info off
Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using the keyboard - visitor_control
Toggle assets report - report_assets
Toggle automatic object reset feature - auto_reset
Toggle calls to PeekMessage within sim loop - sim_peek
Toggle camera mode - cam_mode
Toggle display of unavailable interactions in person control menus - all_menus
Toggle music - music
Toggle object compression in save file - obj_comp
Toggle quaternion transformations - quats
Toggle sound log window - sound_log
Toggle sounds - sound
Toggle web page creation - html
Total reload of people skeletons, animations, suits and skins - reload_people
Trigger sound event - soundevent
Write out an RTE file every time a route is found - write_routes
Write out behavior tuning constants to Tuning.txt - #export

Full need meters:
If your Sim is very depressed or has another low attribute, enable the move_objects_on code and pause game play. Click on the Sim in buy/sell mode and click the bottom of the screen to delete him/her. Once deleted go to the live mode and double clock the person's head icon to go to where that Sim is located. Everything should be close to full. Note: Wave the game immediately before performing this cheat, or you will lose any career changes or points you have earned.

Quick money:
Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud;: as a code. Then hold [Enter] so that "No such cheat" begins to flash. Keep the key held to gain up to 99 million simolians.
Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud as a code, then enter !;!;!;!; and so on. Every "!" results in another 1,000 simolians.

Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud as a code, then enter !;!;!;!;! and so on. After your last exclamation point, type a semi colon then a colon. The end of your entry should look like !;!;!;!;: Then, hold [Enter]. The "No such cheat" message will flash. Hold [Enter] to quickly get up to 9,999,999 simoleons.

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The Sims : Unleashed Cheat Codes at Game Score
The Sims : Unleashed Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad
The Sims : Unleashed Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
The Sims : Unleashed Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch

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